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Thursday, August 17, 2006

news news..aah..news

What news is revolving around me today? around u..us? What news does the world bring? News by the way stands for North East West South...here i am alone..and i like being alone here..expressing my slef with this piece of plastic that we call as keyboard...

Yesterday i went to GHKL doing the sick dungeon-torture simulation of radiotheraphy..its not the real radioblast thing yet..its just they put a hot net at your face to catch the image of your face in plastic net mode..kinda like mission impossible kinda thing you know..i had to lie down (which hurts) for 1 and a half hour for the simulation..in the very nearly end (i don't know to trust the mo or not when he said "sikit je lagi bang pastuh siap") i wave my hands signalling giving up to endure such torture... i gave up..aargghh hated myself for being such a weakling...such a weakly earthling... but i can endure no more such unspeakable pain..my lungs are half-collapsed, i am suffering from coughing and yet i was told to put off my shirt in an air-conditioned room..nice treat to the chest eaa??..soo i decided thaaats it!!!!..waved to the medical officers..told em we do it next week coz i don't feel good..

later then went to Maju Junction..first time..first trip of me goin there..a few nice shoppes..so windoshop for a while..to look for a Celcom shop for simcard recovery was the main quest - simcard recovery..yet again i faillll..no there's no celcom..but maxis shop is around here..the answer i get when i went to see the information lady at her fancy woody booth..so in the rain waited for papa to pick me up and off we went to Carrefour

does it interest you that Carrefour means crossroads? simpang ammpatt..it symbolizes that every crossroad you go, sure there'll be Carrefour there..hmm..i love the Carrefour symbol tho..the logo..it reflects simplicity yet brings out the French flag in it..with the letter C...ahh human mind such great creativity and power God gives us.

while waiting i read the paper..yesterday's news~ Israel yet again broke the 1701 ruling, still goin to war...Israel wants to conquer Lebanon until the Kina or something river (i cant't remember the river name sorry).hizbullah rules..Blair is being blamed for the terorist activities..his support for Israel and US loses 6 of his Labor party wingmen's heart...an open letter being sent to him to do something about the Lebanon-Israel war or axpect more terorist activities..those 6 men of Blair actually signed the letter..aah Blair is losing power..so does Bush...our primo ministro? He looked kinda fat..he gained weight..in his pix in UTUSAN yesterday..yes..Malaysia produces the first SUV that uses petrol of = 50% petrol - 50% water.. hydroxene whatever tech..first in the world i think..the LMG cars that uses water as petrol (is it LMG or LFG? absolutely not the LMF the lazy motherfuckers Hong Kong rap group) the dude invented it gonna be soo filthy rich!! in NST it was said doctors are gonna do some BIG protests all over the country..GP mostly are told by the government to pay RM 1500 for registration and need to do some renovations at their clinics..hmm..what are u up to health ministry?? need money iszzzziit?? In metro and utusan and BH i think all screamed about Siti's not the fault that Datuk K divorced with her wifre..which i will never discuss in my blog here.. Then Our 2nd Man najib warns people to shut off the Dr M versus Pak Lah talk of Tambak Johor cancellation issues with Singapore whatsoever...aah..peaceful Malaysia? that revolves around the world today..and i don't give a damn..im off to my 5/6 hours French learning..soo au revoir and take care beloved readers!~~


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